Environmental Safety and Governance

DMC Power is committed to manufacturing and selling products of world-class quality that incorporate high standards of safety, environmental, social and governance practice. Three key areas that we focus on as a company are:

Employee Health & Safety

Providing a safe and healthy work environment to all employees is a top priority. Our well-established Health and Safety Policy and Injury and Illness Prevention Programs have clear objectives and training targets across all business units.


Everyone working for or with DMC Power is expected to conduct themselves with the highest level of business ethics. We continually engage with our staff and suppliers to reinforce our Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) policies.

Energy use in Manufacturing

Roof Panels 2As a manufacturer, we are constantly looking to improve our energy efficiency for the smooth running of our business and the wider environmental and societal impact of our operations. Not only are we proactive in reducing our own consumption but many of the connectors we manufacture provide our customers increased energy efficiency.

In June 2016, DMC Power installed more than 65,000 square feet of solar paneling.  With Los Angeles averaging 3,348 hours of sunlight per year, these panels are projected to generate nearly 600,000 kWh of electricity (enough yearly power for 54 homes) and reduce CO2 emissions by 454 tons annually (the equivalent of taking 89 cars off the road each year).

Roof Panels