Split Connector – Australia

The Challenge: Implementing Custom Solutions on a Live Substation

In the expansive realm of the Australian utility infrastructure, a major utility confronted a formidable undertaking: the replacement of existing 80mm (3") & 125mm (5"), 3,000 amp, 275kV Bus bars within a live substation. The intricacy of this task amplified due to the need for meticulous planning to prevent service interruptions and the ever-unpredictable Australian weather.

As the utility delved into the project, critical issues emerged:

  • Identified Hot Spots: Initial assessments raised concerns about potential hot spots associated with the existing bolted fittings.
  • Welding Considerations: Initially contemplating welding for the 80 connections, this solution was deemed impractical by the utility due to unpredictable weather conditions and the imperative to keep the substation live.

The Solution:

To surmount these challenges, the utility turned to DMC Power, seeking innovation in their approach. The adoption of the DMC Power Swage system and PLKM5000 split splices emerged as a novel solution, aiming to save time, eliminate the need for outages, and ensure successful completion even in the face of unpredictable weather.PLKM5000d

  • Seamless Installation Design: Rigorous testing confirmed the effectiveness of the Swage system onto the 125mm (5”) Bus and 6mm internal sleeve insert, earning approval for use.
  • Live Substation Compatibility: The construction crew underwent comprehensive training in Swage Tool usage, enabling them to conduct the installation without any interruption to the power supply.

The Results:

The actual installation unfolded as follows:

  1. Precise Removal of Old Fittings: The old, bolted fittings were skillfully removed without causing any service interruptions.
  2. Efficient Splicing Process: Each splice half elegantly wrapped around the Bus and seamlessly Swaged into place.
  3. Uninterrupted Power Supply: The technology, with its innovative approach, succeeded in preventing any interruptions, achieving a feat that other installation methods couldn't in live conditions.

This innovative approach not only addressed the utility's challenges but set a new standard for live substation upgrades in the Australian landscape:

  • Efficiency Beyond Expectations: The construction crew executed the installation flawlessly, showcasing the efficiency and reliability of the DMC Power solution.
  • Benchmark for Live Substation Operations: The project not only overcame challenges but also established a benchmark for efficient live substation operations in Australia.

This case study stands as a testament to DMC Power's commitment to innovation and the successful implementation of groundbreaking solutions even in the most challenging environments.

Have a challenge in need of custom solutions? Contact a DMC Power Territory Manager today!

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